Ola pupils! It's a new year, new school term. And PUAN nOa yang vain will teach:
- Science Year 1, 2 and 3
- English Language Year 1
- Bahasa Malaysia Year 4
- Kajian Tempatan Year 4
Summed up, I will have 30 periods of teaching in a week for this new term. It's an average amount of period a teacher will have, and BESIDES, PUAN nOa yang vain will also responsible to be:
- Guru Data
- In-charge for Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks
- Guru Kelas Tahun 1
- Guru Persatuan Pengakap
- and the list goes on :)
Nevertheless, I wish to be a kind charming teacher to my pupils, like Miss Barbie below...

[ teacher yang anggun :)]
and hopefully no pupils will make me becoming like this:
[ teacher yang ter'bak-bak' :| ]
and hopefully my fellow teacher and me will be...
[ teacher yang hevvat :) ]
ko ngajar cne bh?...gud luck with the students...mengingatkn aku dgn zaman kta gk sekolah rendah dolok ehh...
selamat bertugas....Heheheehhehhehehe....^_^
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