Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Lunch Today: Pizza Junction's Delivery
Last Thursday night, I stayed up sambil tertidur time nak siapkan order untuk our Cheesy Potato Pie, together with my sista. Akibat bercita-cita tinggi, maka rezeki Alhamdulillah masyuk lah juak. We had 10 batches of the pie untuk dibakar dalam oven, and dengan oven yang very comel itu, everything was slow and steady. Ooo kedak tok lah rasa ibu-ibu berjaga malam molah kueh pakey jajak oh. Insaf I, Alhamdulillah, janji kita rajin and kongang berusaha, inshaAllah memang ada :)
So on last Friday, setelah tidurnya akhir and badan rasa sik best kesan lamak dah sik berjaga, so saya rasa quite tired. Sik masak pakey lunch. And hati terasa begitu kowat nak makan pizza. Nak keluar pun malas, waima ada keta di luar umah ya. Bagus I order online jak, best juak diam area E-Mart tok, boleh kata semua ada ctok :)
E-Mart kesayangan semua, photo credits to here
Time order tek, operator ya nanyak: "Kitak order untuk berapa orang kah?", So i just jawab 3. Then time nya verify order still kedak sik percayak jak apa yang telah diorder. Apakah?
So lunch nya ialah:
Tadaaaaa~~ a wholesome meal for three, Ika, Ifan n me were having this :P No wonder operator ya heran kenak order banyaks gilak, lapar woo laparrrr :P So we had Pepsi, Chicken Mayo pizza, American Cheese Burger Pizza, 4 pcs Gooey Wings, Spagetti Bolognese, 5 Mushroom Soups and Cinnamon Stick. So orang Serawak can call this bermongan-monganan. Oh I don't really care, hikhik.
Chicken Mayo Pizza, rasa so-so jer.
American Cheese Burger, my favorite :) Tok nang nyem.
So, banyaklah leftover nya when kita dah tamahak order banyak-banyak. But sokayyy, ada lah for dinner malam ya. Boleh microwaved dinner jak malam ya lah.
*Ads: For those living in Matang area, and would like to order pizza from Pizza Junction/Flinders, here is the contact number: 082-645596.
But, they may take about 1 hour to reach you. So, you are pre-warned if it happen the pizza that you ordered take long time to arrive.
.Label or Love.
food galore,
my hotplate
Sticky Entry: Cheesy Potato Pie for sale
*This is a sticky entry, For everyday update and latest entry, please roll down under :P*
Sempena school holiday yang panjang ini, Cikgu yang Vain have a special treat for you babes. Me and my sista are coming up with our mini project: The Baking Apron.
The Baking Apron: A mini project on selling anything we can bake, make it sweet or savoury. We ensure it will tickle your taste buds, make you craving for more.
Suitable for everyday treat, birthday or housewarming event or tupperware party, as well as open house during festive season (i.e Xmas is around the corner right?) or even "sedekah hari Jumaat" for your officemates, family and friends.
We can custom made the size of this Cheesy Potato Pie to your preference, just book in advance.
Suitable for everyday treat, birthday or housewarming event or tupperware party, as well as open house during festive season (i.e Xmas is around the corner right?) or even "sedekah hari Jumaat" for your officemates, family and friends.
We can custom made the size of this Cheesy Potato Pie to your preference, just book in advance.
Email me at: for order.
Savoury- Cheesy potato pie, RM4 each.
Baked in a saucer-size foil, of low fat milk, cheddar cheese, cold cuts meat and of course potato.
Baked in a saucer-size foil, of low fat milk, cheddar cheese, cold cuts meat and of course potato.
Savoury- Cheesy potato pie, RM4 each.
Baked to golden perfection.
Baked to golden perfection.
Savoury- Cheesy potato pie, RM10 each.
Baked in 6"x3" foil, of low fat milk, cheddar cheese, cold cuts meat and of course potato.
**Advance booking is required for this size and anything larger.
Baked in 6"x3" foil, of low fat milk, cheddar cheese, cold cuts meat and of course potato.
**Advance booking is required for this size and anything larger.
We will come up with other savoury: Cottage Pie and Shepherd Pie
and even something sweet like Apam Polka Dot and Caramel Cake.
Stay Tune! Muahs :P
OhMyNoa's note: 1. For large amount of order or custom made sizes, please inform us 1-2 days before the date.
2. Delivery will be available around Kuching and Kota Samarahan area only.
3. For order, email Noa at or for faster reply, SMS at 017-8587966.
.Label or Love.
The Baking Apron
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
November tok banyak tarikh cantik. We ol have 1.11.11, 11.11.11, 20.11.2011, you know such dates where people would choose as their special day: getting married, bertunang, beranak. Hmm, beranak pun boleh set date nowaday kan? Hihi. Ya lah, *IF* we were not miscarriaged before, my scan EDD should be 20.11.2011 that day. Mesti dah ada baby sekarang, tengah berpantang, pakey snowcap lam umah hihi..but sokay lah, yang penting I redha dengan what had happened. I failed at first time, segalanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Hidup tok sik boleh lah kita expect macam yang orang lain maok. I mean, some people think abis belajar, land on our first job, lepas ya kahwin, lepas kahwin dapat anak, lepas dapat anak, tambah anak. You know, if not sikkan lah people always poretness with question after question kan.
So this November, pencapaian terbesar I dalam TTC ialah berjaya menghabiskan my Folic Acid supplement. And AF is already a day late. But, still early *for me* to pee-on-a-stick lah. Hmmm, takut keciwa :{ Folic Acid supplement yang dihabiskan ya pun adalah saki baki time pregger duluan. Kita tengok lah how nanti ye, yang penting mun Allah nak berik rezeki ya sik siney. Mun belom, inshaAllah kita keep on berdoa :)
Next achievement yang I dah kenalpasti today ialah dah setahun lebih jadi cikgu tok, baruk bulan tok makey gaji DG. Oo la tedah dirik, lambat setahun. Ya pun lom dapat tunggakan itu dan ini gik. Cikgu tok sebenarnya banyak berkongsi rezeki ngan students, ada duit lebih ada lah berbeli pensil, peraut, pemadam sekotak dua pakey dibawak masok lam class. Yalah, sikkan student lupak pensil alu terus nak nulis surat ngan parents nyuruh beli pensil untuk anak cdak kan. Malas bah nak ngepak mulut ngerepaks or ngepak tangan type surat. Hulur-hulur jak pensil ya. Tapi, apapun I bersyukur Alhamdulillah akhirnya gaji I dilaraskan, waima hati I tok tetap geram menunggu yang belum masuk ya. I juak tetap believe, apa yang kita kongsikan ngan orang lain akan ada yang datang balit juak. :)
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Senyumlah, inshaAllah rezeki senang masuk. |
OhMyNoa's thought: Uols pernah sik diam ngan urang, nya sik berbeli barang makan dalam sebulan ya, sekadar ngindin makanan nak dibeli kita dengan alasan, "Sik dapat kamek beli stok makanan bulan tok koh, cz bulan tok duit kamek abis disimpan dalam ASB". Sik sekalor gya, bak kata my hubby, "mencik mek!!!"
.Label or Love.
Happy day :),
teacher nOa,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A game that unite all
Yes, football ialah game yang unite us all. Tak kira yang reti main or just a plain kaki bangku---like me. But last night, I guess all Malaysians had a blast screaming and supporting our Team Malaysia to the extend that they play real hard to bring back the gold medal for Malaysia. Tahniah Harimau Muda, I really love how you roarrrr-ed and how the opponent team dived. Hihi.
Back in my college year, I am very fond to anything tiger-ish. This inclination is specifically to the feline family. I love cats, big cats and the small one, as well as the domesticated type. Meow! So for my Final Year Project back in Unimas, I had chosen a project related to the cats, in my case Wild Cats. I still can remember my project title: Historical Records, Distribution and Morphological Measurement of Felidae in Borneo. And FYI, kat Borneo we only have 5 types of wild cats. Meow again.
And one thing, I still remember, during my project presentation, one male panel asked me :"Since we have 5 type of wild cats in Borneo, why don't we have Panthera Tigris (Malayan Tiger) in Borneo?". I was given time to think before I answer that, but being the one that done the research, I knew I must answer the panel asap to minimize my mistake of overlook why we don't have tiger in Borneo. Being an innocent, I answered back "Maybe during the climate change where plate-tectonic movement happened during dinasour era, the tiger had missed the chance to jump into Borneo Island, thus it made them can not be found in Boeneo today". Huh, jawapan macam bijak kan? tapi I was very unsure of that. Main hentam jer, boleh lagi ingat binatang ni main lompat-lompat benua zaman ice age to live in that place. Shallow hihi. Then another panel said, "a folk tale tells me that a tiger can't live where the ironwood is found". Whoa, betul kah harimau ni takut kat Kayu belian. Maybe? I don't know/
But, from the SEA GAMES 26, it is proven that our Harimau Malaya is not afraid of Garuda. Kudos!
.Label or Love.
Being Malaysian,
Monday, November 21, 2011
What's for lunch today?
One thing that I am excited during school holiday is I get to cook my own dish for lunch. And later in the day, I might be cooking dinner for hubby too. Precious precious hihi.
So, what's for my lunch today?
So, what's for my lunch today?
Tempe and chicken fillet in Thai chilli sauce.
What's yours for lunch? Enjoy your meal babes!
.Label or Love.
.skinny recipes.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Life is fragile. Handle with prayer.
Today result EGTukar kuar. Neves gila nak checked, though I know the result is expected : TIDAK DILULUSKAN. So nampaknya Cikgu Vain ini still lagi akan dok sini, mengajar sini lagi and jaoh lagi from Hubby. Lepas dapat result, terus call Hubby, informed him and menangis sedikit barang setitik dua air mata yang berharga ini. Siap hiding dalam class Tahun 2 pegi menangis, luckily today I am wearing waterproof mascara on my eyes and a foolproof heart in one hand. So takdak scene aksi-aksi meroyan sedih tak dapat berpindah. The reason is: I have been through a lot of heart-wrenching moments this year. So to cry is never an option anymore, maka harusnya saya bertabahan hati untuk go on with my life, buat plan B, C, D et al and terus tawadhuk bertaqwa kat Allah, for He will give more than anything I ask for, with HIS timing and HIS way. I strongly have faith in that, inshaAllah.
Yah, I know hidup I tak selancar and sesempurna orang lain, semakin banyak cabaran. But the, banyak mistakes I sendiri, and everyday tika diuji sekecil-kecilnya or besar sekali pun, I always telling myself to redha, and keep in trying my best to pray semoga saya semakin kuat untuk menghadapi segalanya. Like a lovely friend of mine say, "Life is fragile, handle with prayer". Very true, jangan underestimate the power of prayer and zikr. InshaAllah hidup akan tenang and cool-cool jer no matter apa ujian kita. So kawan-kawan Muslimin dan Muslimah sekalian, and especially myself Noa yang Vain, jangan ngelat lagi solat and baca Quran okay.
On TTC progress pulak, I think I dah ovulate this week, Siap demam-demam lagi. But yeah, I dun wanna stress myself much on that. Stop for a while consuming EPO after ovulation, reducing my Habbatus Sauda pills cz I still got confusion of this thingy, label kat botol cakap preggers tak boleh consume, tapi banyak omputeh Muslimah suggest to amik this Black Seeds time pregnant, it is good. So saya confuse and in the middle right now. Puzzle puzzle. Selain itu dah start amalkan bacaan surah Al-Waqiah and Surah Maryam after Maghrib, and Salawat Tafrijiyah 11 times after every solat. Semoga ikhtiar rohaniah saya berhasil, Amiiin :)
Tapi kalau belum pun, saya tetap syukur and redha. Allah knows best, adalah better plan dari-Nya untuk saya nanti.
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♥The closest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who bows down to Allah can stand up to anything. |
.Label or Love.
teacher nOa,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
3.11.11 : It's our 11th month being together.
our very first step :)
I feel so blessed, so contented in my marriage life now (minus the LDR part). But sokayy, we managed to weather the storm of living apart together, and I haven't cease praying to the Almighty for the strength and opportunity for me to be under a roof with Moi Beloved. InshaAllah taala, ada jalannya :)
11th month, so much happened that makes us fonder to each other. A week ago, it should be my EDD for our deeply missed lil angel, to be exact 28.10.11. This is our first EDD based on my LMP, but during the first tummy scan, the doc estimated our due date should be 20.11.2011. Pretty date right? But ya, we definitely can accept the test Allah gave us, redha :) We believe ada lah rezeki afterward, Allah Maha Pemurah, Maha Mengetahui. He has a better plan for us, I know. And I am doing my part now, by TTC-ing since Ramadhan. From what I observed, my Miss Red Spot comes on the dot every month, cycling from 27-28 days. Macam best kan dapat regular and on time period, but quite a sigh sigh here, cz tak dak chance lagi to 'pee-on-a-stick' as deeply inside, i wish for a day or two delay. Hihi :) But reading between the line, it is a good sign actually since i can estimate my fertile and ovulation days every month. The downside is: I don't have my hubby for baby dance during that windows. Aigoo..LDR and TTC doesn't come hand-in-hand.
He'll make a good father!
But worry not, cuti sekolah is around the corner. Yay! boleh TTC dengan tegar dan bersungguh-sungguh. InshaAllah, I will banyakkan doa and amalan yang disarankan to conceive. I need baby dust y'all. Pray for me, and my prayers go to all Dream Mothers out there.
Badly needed!
.Label or Love.
life with Cinta,
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